Sublime hair, shampoo and shine

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Washing your hair

Choose a shampoo that is suitable for your hair.

Do not use excessive amounts of shampoo.

It is better to repeat the shampooing procedure several times with a lot of rinsing instead of one single long shampooing.

During the last wash, leave in the shampoo for one minute to take effect.

When rinsing your hair for the last time, use colder water and rinse it well until your hair produces a squeaking sound between your fingers.

Nowadays, shampoos already contain the qualities present in lemon and vinegar that were formerly used to close down the scaly layer of the hair and thus creating a shiny effect.

Switching shampoos is recommended: open several different bottles of shampoo (2-3) and rotate them.

New service: light & shadow highlights

This technique looks very natural and can liven up your hair style. Its advantage is that grown-out roots are not visible, and the colour effect gives the hair style texture and volume. Light & shadow creates very interesting and attractive effects, making the hair style (and its owner) more special, adding playfulness to the hair. This technique is suitable for everyone, as it can conjure beautiful effects in your hair and give your style a touch of exoticism.

Is head massage really so healthy?

Without a doubt. It promotes blood circulation in the scalp, enhancing the supply of nutrients to the roots, and thus leading to better looking hair.

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